Modul Releu Programabil Real Time RL7390/TC OKY3011-11
Modul Releu Programabil Real Time RL7390/TC OKY3011-11

Modul Releu Programabil Real Time RL7390/TC OKY3011-11

78 RON
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Cheltuielile de transport se achita separat si pornesc de la 26RON

Comanda minima este
30 RON (TVA inclus)

  Preț:78 RON
  Stoc:in stoc
  Descriere produs:
Modulul se alimenteaza la 5V prin cablu micro USB sau de la sursa locala in limita 5V-60V pe conectorul cu 2 pini. Timpul, ora curenta, anul, timpii de anclansare, modul de afisare se seteaza cu ajutorul tastelor. Are Buzer si baterie CR1220 3V pentru alimentarea ceasului intern. Contactele de releu pot controla echipamente de pana la 250VAC și 10A. Releul are un contact normal inchis si un contact normal deschis, ambele SEPARATE galvanic fata de montaj. NU se alimenteaza in acelasi timp si pe USB si pe conectorul de alimentare. Starea releului este semnalizata de LED-ul de pe placa. Dimensiunile sunt 74x44x20mm.

Semnificatiile conectorilor :

Mufa Micro USB = alimentarea cu 5V (in lipsa alimentarii pe conector)
VCC = +5 ... +60V - tensiunea de alimentare (in lipsa alimentarii pe USB)
GND = masa de alimentare
COM = contactul comun al releului
NO = Normal Open - contactul normal deschis al releului
NC = Normal Close - contactul normal inchis al releului

Descrierea functionarii din catalogul producatorului :

Real-time relay Timing and clock synchronization
Time control - delay 24H timing 5 time periods

Functional mode description:
OPE: relay closure time
CLE: relay off time
Time period: PE-1 to PE-5, 5 time periods
"----": function blocking

P-1: daily OPE relay closed / output pulse CLE relay open / output pulse
P-2: on the day OPE relay closed / output pulse CLE relay off / output pulse
P-3: day of the month: OPE relay closed / output pulse CLE relay open / output pulse
P-4: months to months: OPE relay is closed / output pulse CLE relay is open / output pulse
P-5: hours of the month to the beginning of the few days of the month, to the end of the several points: OPE relay is closed / output pulse CLE relay is open / output pulse

How to set the time:
In the time running interface, press and hold DOWN:
1. The system flashes to display “YEA” and then enters the time setting interface. At this time, the two digits after “Year” flash and are adjusted by DOWN and UP (long press is supported);
2. Short press the SET system flashing display "dAE" after entering the "month / day" setting interface, this time "monthly" keeps flashing, through DOWN, UP adjustment (support long press);
3. Press SET shortly. At this time, “day” flashes. Adjust by DOWN and UP (support long press);
4. Press SET shortly, and the system flashes to show ‘HOU’ and then enters “Time / Minute” setting interface. At this time, “time” flashes continuously, and is adjusted by DOWN and UP (long press is supported);
5. Short press SET, at this time "minute" flashes, through DOWN, UP adjustment (support long press) short press SET at this time, repeat step 1;
6. After long pressing SET to let go, it will modify the time according to the set parameters and exit the time setting interface.

How to set parameters:
On the time running interface, press and hold the SET button for 2 seconds to release the hand and the system enters the parameter setting interface:
Step 1: select the time period: PE-1~PE-5 by a short press UP, DOWN key to select;
Step 2: select the mode: "----" P-1~P-5 (that is, set this time period to the corresponding mode) by short press UP, DOWN key to select; ("---- ” indicates that this period of time is masked)
Step 3: after the mode selection is completed, press SET shortly to enter the time setting interface. In the time setting interface, press SET to switch parameters, “OPE” start time, “CLE” end time, “dAE” date information;
Step 4: exit the setting after the parameter is set. Press and hold the SET button for 2 seconds to release the hand. Check whether the parameter setting is legal. Save the parameter if legal, and return to the time operation interface. If the parameter is incorrect, the “ERR” alert is displayed. (stop time / date = start time / date error message) Return to parameter setting interface again.
Note: Stop time / date (CLE) > start time / date (OPE)

Additional features:
Any time period can be set individually.
In the specific parameter setting interface (after the second step), press STOP briefly to switch the output mode:
OUT1: start point on relay, end point off relay
OUT2: output 1S pulse at time
In the specific parameter setting interface (after the second step), press STOP to switch the ring mode:
bLL0: ringing prohibited
bLL1: ring enable
Note: when you ring, press any key to stop the bell

Sleep mode:
1. C-P sleep mode: no operation within five minutes, the digital tube automatically shuts off the display and the program runs normally;
2. O-d normal mode: the digital tube is always on display;
3. In the time display interface, press and hold the STOP button for 2 seconds and then release it to switch between C-P and O-d states. The current state will blink, and then return to the main interface.

  NOTĂ: Acest montaj NU este destinat amatorilor sau celor fara cunostinte/studii de electronica. Este un kit pentru profesionisti, NU pentru amatori. Modulul NU poate fi folosit de persoane care nu au discernamant, studii ori autoritatea necesara interventiei in echipamentele electronice.
  Etichete: releu de timp, oky3011-11, releu programabil
Preturile INCLUD TVA (19%) ! Comanda minima este de 30 RON. Cheltuielile de transport se achita separat si pornesc de la 26 RON.

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