
Adeziv Profesional B7000 pentru Ecrane Smartphone si LCD
Adeziv Profesional B7000 pentru Ecrane Smartphone si LCD

Adeziv Profesional B7000 pentru Ecrane Smartphone si LCD

30 RON
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0723 481 764 - Vodafone
0741 460 730 - Orange
0767 749 382 - Telekom

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Cheltuielile de transport se achita separat si pornesc de la 26RON

Comanda minima este
30 RON (TVA inclus)

  Preț:30 RON
  Stoc:in stoc
  Descriere produs:
B-7000 este un adeziv multirol multifunctional de inalta performanta la flacon de 110ml.

Se foloseste la telefoane mobile, ecranele LCD, reconditionare bijuterii si piese ceramice, etc
Este complet transparent, foarte aderent si rezistent, semielastic si nu matuieste.

Lipeste ecrane, cristalele folosite la bijuterii, metale, sticla, ceramica, piatra, lemn, nylon, plastic, cauciuc, polietilena, polipropilena, polivinyl, abs si alte materiale.

B7000 features
Full of elasticity, and strong adhesion; not only anti-wear, but also anti-impact. Under acidic or alkaline environment, it has the chemical characteristics of acid and alkali resistance; it has excellent dielectric insulation and resistance; it is not flammable. Advantages: This product is absolutely capable of bonding interfaces in an oscillating environment. It can be used to join materials with a high expansion coefficient (such as cement), and the tensile force of the interface is nine times stronger than that of silicone products. It can be used in busy traffic areas as a protective layer for contact surfaces. It can be used as an anti-corrosion protective coating in acid and alkali environments (such as salt water or). Extremely suitable for electronic equipment. Extended information Glue and sealant should be used in a certain environment, and the working conditions have an important influence on the bonding performance. In the use conditions, there are stress conditions, ambient temperature and humidity, chemical media conditions, outdoor conditions, etc.

1. Force condition
When the adherend is subjected to peeling force and uneven pull-off force, rubber with good toughness can be selected, such as rubber glue, polyurethane glue, etc.; when the adherend is subjected to uniform pull-off force and shear force, it can be selected with higher hardness and strength. High glue, such as epoxy glue, acrylic glue.

2. Temperature conditions
Different glues have different heat resistance. According to different temperatures, choose different glues.

3. Humidity
Moisture and moisture are very detrimental to the stability of the bonding interface and can be said to be harmful and not beneficial. Because water molecules are small in size and high in polarity, after penetration and diffusion, they play a kind of hydrolysis effect, causing the bonding surface to be destroyed or detached by itself, resulting in a decrease in bonding strength and durability. The adhered parts require good water resistance, epoxy glue, polyurethane glue, etc. are selected.

4. Chemical medium
Chemical media mainly refers to acids, alkalis, salts, solvents, etc., different types of glue, different curing conditions, have different resistance to media. Therefore, glue and sealant should be selected according to the medium contacted by the adherend.

5. Outdoor conditions
Adhesive joints used outdoors are under more complicated conditions. Temperature changes, wind, rain, and freezing in the sun will accelerate the aging of the adhesive layer and shorten the life span. Therefore, under outdoor conditions, high-temperature curing and weather-resistant adhesives should be used for bonding, such as phenol-acetal, epoxy-nitrile, and silicone sealant for sealing.

  Etichete: adezivi, adeziv universal, lipire
Preturile INCLUD TVA (19%) ! Comanda minima este de 30 RON. Cheltuielile de transport se achita separat si pornesc de la 26 RON.

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